Here's A Quick Way To Solve Moisture Problems In Your Chesapeake Home

moisture on window and wall

Most people dislike humidity. It turns hot weather sticky and unbreathable and makes the cold stick to your body like wet ice. All around, high humidity is a bad thing, especially when it is present inside your home. If you are worried about high humidity and moisture problems having a negative effect on your Chesapeake home, we have some things you can do.

Problems Excessive Moisture Leads To

It is amazing how much moisture can affect a home. To start, did you know that moisture can lead to water damage and rot within your home’s structural wood? Although by itself, this may not be a huge issue, water-damaged wood can lead to a termite infestation, which in turn can lead to the slow destruction of your home.

Water damage can also lead to mold and fungal growth. We have even had reports from some homeowners of mushrooms growing out of their carpets! Unfortunately, this is not the worst that can happen when it comes to mold growth. Have you ever heard of black mold? This type of mold looks like a black splotchy stain and can appear on walls, ceilings, and around other areas of the home where there is high humidity. If you didn’t know, black mold is toxic and can release fungal spores into the air. These spores can negatively affect you and your family.

Finally, moisture problems within homes can encourage many species of pests to invade. Pests like cockroaches, centipedes, and earwigs, in particular, thrive in humid environments. If you do not like the idea of these pests wandering freely around in your home, moisture problems are something you need to address.

How To Identify Moisture Problems Throughout Your Home

There are many ways you can inspect your home for moisture problems; here are a few we recommend.

  • Firmly touch drywall throughout your home. If it feels spongy or soft, there is a good chance it has been damaged by excess moisture.
  • Firmly touch wood-sheathed walls throughout your home. If they feel slightly solid, they may also be affected by moisture problems.
  • Check surfaces for discoloration. Brown, yellow, black, or even pink stains could be an indication of moisture problems.
  • Smell your walls. This may sound weird, but if they smell musty, there is a good chance they have been negatively affected by moisture.

Along with these methods, there are many different devices you can use to read humidity in your home as well as test walls for moisture problems. Use these options if you feel they are necessary.

How You Can Control Moisture

Your home can produce excess moisture in a number of ways; here are some things we recommend you check and fix as needed.

  • Check your home for leaks and have them fixed.
  • Make sure your gutters are properly channeling water away from your home’s exterior.
  • Eliminate any sources of standing water that are directly touching the wood or drywall of your home.
  • Make sure air conditioning units are working properly and not leaking water.
  • Keep windows and doors closed on humid days.
  • Install dehumidifiers around particularly humid areas of your home.
  • Certain window panes and insulation can also help keep your home’s moisture levels down.

Why You Need Professional Moisture Control

It can be difficult to manage moisture problems on your own. To make sure your home and family have the best protection possible from the issues moisture can cause, turn to the professionals here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Solutions. We have top-of-the-line moisture control services that are sure to meet your needs.

Give the professionals here at Albemarle a call today and get your home scheduled for professional moisture control services.