3 Benefits Of Year-Round Pest Control In Elizabeth City


Pests are a frustrating constant for homeowners here in Elizabeth City. Rich or poor, mansion or shack, pests can usually find a way inside IF there is no high-quality pest control at work. Without high-quality pest control, all pests need is a way inside. This could be a hole or crack in your home’s foundation, or perhaps a rip in one of your window screens. Sometimes pests will walk or fly right in through an open door or window. There is really no limit to the number of ways pests can get into your home.

Here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control, we have worked hard to develop methods that keep all kinds of pests out of homes. If you are on the fence to get your home the protection it needs, here are 3 benefits of year-round pest control in Elizabeth City you should consider before buying.

Benefit 1: Year-Round Pest Control Is Easy

If you have ever tried to fend off pests on your own, you know how difficult it can be. Each pest invades in a different way and requires its own list of prevention steps to keep out. By the time you have taken measures to keep just one kind of pest out, you are exhausted. With year-round professional pest control, all of the work is done for you. We apply industry-leading treatments and perform all the steps needed to effectively keep a variety of pests in Elizabeth City out of your home. All you need to do is schedule the appointments and let your friendly pest control Service Professional do what they are good at. It's that simple.

Benefit 2: Year-Round Pest Control Keeps You and Your Home Safe

In the pest world, there are three major classifications of pests: nuisance pests, dangerous pests, and destructive pests. On the harmless side of the spectrum, you have little black ants and flies. These pests are annoying but pose no major risks to your home or health. It is when we get to cockroaches, mice, rats, termites, and carpenter ants, etc. that serious problems arise. All of these pests pose either a risk to your health in the form of disease, or to your home in the form of wood and property destruction. These are the pests you cannot afford to have around. With year-round pest control, we will ensure that these pests stay out so that you, your family, your pets, and your home will stay safe.

Benefit 3: Year-Round Pest Control Is Effective

Even if you spend effort, time, and money to protect your home on your own from pests, your solution would still not be the best one. Here at Albemarle, we only use top-of-the-line treatments and exclusion methods when dealing with pests. When we come to treat your home, it is not our first time. In addition to this, our services come with a worry-free guarantee. If pests return between our scheduled visits, all you have to do is give us a call, and we will return and retreat your property at no additional cost to you. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Why Choose Albemarle For Your Pest Control Needs?

At Albemarle Termite & Pest Control, our loyalty is to our community. With over 75 years of combined pest control experience, you will be hard-pressed to find anyone in the area more qualified for the job. Give us a call today to find out what year-round home pest control services could look like for your Elizabeth City home. We will be happy to find the solution you are looking for.