What To Do About Carpenter Ants Around Your Elizabeth City Property


To some people, insects and creatures are fascinating. It could be intriguing to discover how they survive and what makes them operate as they do. For every specimen, there’s a gang of subspecies. Each is unique, contrary to popular belief. They may have a different appearance, behavioral pattern, habitat, or diet. Some are more dangerous or destructive than others, too. This is the situation with ants.

Ants as a whole pose a threat to humans because they harbor bacteria. They spoil food and contaminate surfaces upon contact, leaving Elizabeth City residents to catch viruses, salmonella, and other illnesses. In addition to this, some kinds can impact property. Carpenter ants can ruin structural wood, putting homes and businesses in jeopardy. Learn what pest control in Elizabeth City can do to stop them with the help of Albemarle Termite & Pest Control.

How Do Carpenter Ants Look & Behave? What Are The Risks?

Carpenter ants in Elizabeth City are larger than what’s commonly seen, stretching from ¼ to ½ of an inch long. Several are black, red, or reddish-black. However, they can also be brown, tan, orange, or yellow. The workers and swarmers in the colony have specific characteristics. The workers have large forefront mandibles to help them forage, while the latter has wings to leave the nest and mate.

Wood gets shredded by carpenter ants as they dig in it to form nests and tunnels. If logs, trees, lumber or similar material is rotting or damp, these bugs will surely attack it. They get in homes and businesses through holes around wires, utility lines, vents, and foundations. Overhanging branches assist them in getting onto roof-lines. These insects will fester in kitchens, as they’ll have access to the sweets and meat they love to consume. Other critters are a part of their diet too. Because of this, seeing carpenter ants suggests a general pest issue.

Carpenter ants breakdown structures internally, outward. Walls and bases will no doubt become weak and unsteady. Not to mention, the unsightly cosmetic effect. The main aspect that distinguishes carpenter ants from termites is that they work slower. Don’t expect to catch these invaders out in the open; most settle behind walls. If you tap on one, the ants might come forth in a frenzy. Alternatively, you may spot a swarmer fluttering near a light. Thankfully, a single ant isn’t indicative of an infestation. These things are though:

  • Finding mounds of wood shavings, mixed in with ant body parts
  • Seeing discarded swarmer wings; they’ll look scaly
  • Noticing clicking or rustling noises behind walls
  • Having hollow-sounding walls

How Can Carpenter Ants Be Prevented?

You may be able to protect your property from carpenter ants with these actions:

  • Close gaps in paneling, foundations, caulking, doors, windows, and utilities.
  • Add sweeps and weather stripping to doors and windows.
  • Have leaks and moisture problems fixed; those affecting wood should be a priority.
  • Eliminate downed trees and deteriorating wood.
  • Put trash and food in airtight containers.
  • Clean dishes and vacuum often.
  • Position greenery and other wood two feet away from exterior doors.
  • Call Albemarle Termite & Pest Control if you have critters carpenter ants eat.

How Does Albemarle Termite & Pest Control Handle Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants necessitate specific, quality treatments you can’t find in a store. Retail items have low-effectiveness with this species, and will barely reach an infestation center. They won’t repair entryways either. The skilled home pest control Service Professionals at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control have the robust resources required to exterminate these ants successfully. Never fear; our products are safe for humans and pets. You won’t have to worry about pricing either; we pride ourselves on having affordable offerings. Shield your home or business now! Call us today for a no-obligation inspection!