Elizabeth City's Complete Brown Recluse Spider Control Guide

an up close image of a brown recluse spider

Many pests have an array of subspecies with unique traits. They are definitely not all the same, as most people believe. Separations aren’t just with size and color either. There could be some across behavioral patterns, habitat, and diet. Even the risk factors can be different. While some are relatively harmless, others are extremely lethal. Folks tend to assume that spiders are exempt from this, but they aren’t. Lots of these arachnids have the ability to bite and inject venom, but several are nothing to really be afraid of. Brown recluse spiders should be avoided at all costs.

Pest experts and health professionals consider brown recluse spiders to be especially dangerous. It would be wise to learn all you can about these bugs. Protecting the well-being of yourself and others is worth it. Find out how they function, what it takes to block them out, and what Albemarle Termite & Pest Control can do to help you in Elizabeth City.

How Do Brown Recluse Spiders Operate? What Are the Hazards?

As their name gives away, brown recluse spiders are brown or tan. A few are yellow-gray. In any case, all have gray hairs on their oblong stomachs. On their heads is a light-colored mark that has the shape of a violin. Overall, their bodies are 0.25 to 0.37 of an inch long. Their legs alone are about 1 inch, if not more. Since they’re visually similar to many other spiders, they’re often misidentified. If the critter has six eyes instead of eight or has a dark abdominal mark, it’s not a brown recluse.

Brown recluses are mainly outdoor bugs. You can find crowds of them amongst piles of logs, dead leaves, and organic debris. However, it’s still a possibility that they’ll violate your home or business. The availability of shelter and warmth is appealing to them. Common passageways for these arachnids are crevices in foundations, utilities, air conditioning units, and vents. Usually, they’ll settle in dark and low-traffic places. Keep your eyes peeled when you go into sheds, attics, garages, and basements. They might be beneath the porch too. Be cautious when opening storage containers and boxes. Look over your shoes and clothes before putting them on. At night is when brown recluses are most active; they’ll search for fellow pests to consume. For example, grasshoppers, roaches, and crickets.

Considering that brown recluses eat other critters, their presence suggests a general pest issue. Seeing their disorganized webs is a key infestation sign. If you’re bitten, seek medical attention immediately. You could experience the following:

  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Lesions
  • Skin sensitivity, swelling, and ulceration  
  • Scaring  
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Death (rare)

How Can You Prevent Brown Recluse Spiders?

Despite their peak season being over warmer periods, brown recluse spiders can be a trouble throughout the year. Therefore, it’s necessary to consistently maintain preventative measures:

  • Fix moisture breakdowns and leaks.
  • Get rid of clutter.
  • Sweep, dust, and vacuum on a routine basis.
  • Examine plants and wood before pulling them indoors.
  • Seal holes in doors, windows, foundations, and utilities.
  • Place greenery and wood at least two feet from the property.
  • Cut the grass and trim greenery regularly.
  • Call Albemarle Termite & Pest Control if you have critters spiders munch on.

What Can Albemarle Termite & Pest Control Do About Brown Recluse Spiders?

Don’t rely on commercial pesticides if you want to eliminate spiders. These items won’t rectify an infestation. Further, some can be quite noxious. We at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control have industrial-grade solutions curated for these bugs. Our highly trained home pest control Service Professionals will locate hubs and safely address them with interior, exterior, and web sweeping treatments, and more. Get a no-obligation inspection when you call today!