How To Tell If You Have A Carpenter Ant Infestation On Your Virginia Property


Managing pest populations is difficult for a number of reasons. One is that there are so many species. The many correlating subtypes are more unique than people imagine; variations aren’t just about color and size. You’d be surprised at how different the habitats, diets, and life-spans are. There can be separations across risk factors as well. Some classes are relatively innocent, while others are dangerous.

All ants are a threat because they can put health on the line. They harbor bacteria and are capable of tainting food and surfaces. You or someone else can become ill. A few, like the carpenter group, can damage your Virginia home or business. Akin to termites, these bugs go after wood. Learn how to identify an infestation, and find out how Albemarle Termite & Pest Control can help.

Infestation Sign #1: Discovering Shed Swarmer Wings

Carpenter ants stand out against the rest in part because of their size. Generally, they are 0.25 to 0.50 of an inch long. They come in an array of colors, such as brown, orange, black, reddish-black, tan, yellow, and red. Members in their colonies have distinctive features. Workers have the strength to shred wood because of their large front mandibles. Scaly wings outline the bodies of reproductive swarmers. These insects buzz away when their nest is packed and it’s mating season. You might see them emerging from the openings workers create or surrounding a light source. At some point, they might discard their wings.

Infestation Sign #2: Finding Stacks of Shaved Wood

When carpenter ants get busy on wood, they forge nests and tunnels inside of it. They tend to attack lumber, decaying or moist trees, and logs. As they hollow out the material, the pieces and shavings will pile up. You’ll find the loads outside of the impacted wood, with the body parts of dead ants mixed in.

Infestation Sign #3 Hearing Noises From Inside Walls

To get inside domiciles and establishments, carpenter ants will slip through holes in the roof and utility lines, wires, vents, and foundations. Grinding wood from the inside, wreckage will gradually become visible. These pests typically stay behind walls; only swarmers make an appearance. If you put your ear to the foundations, you’re liable to hear them rustling. Knocking on it may reveal an unfilled sound.

Carpenter Ant Prevention And Albemarle Termite & Pest Control Extermination

To deter carpenter ants, you’ll need to prioritize your building and lawn care. Strengthening your cleaning practices is also necessary. The goal is to eliminate entryways and water and food sources. It’s all about making your land less comfortable and attractive to the insects:

  • Patch up crevices in pipes, foundations, paneling, doors, and windows.
  • Make sure windows and doors have quality weather stripping and sweeps.
  • Have moisture faults and leaks repaired immediately.
  • Use containers with secure lids for food and trash storage.
  • Make sure your kitchen and dining areas remain neat.
  • Remove deteriorating trees, and get rid of rotting wood.
  • Distance free wood and plants from the property by at least two feet.
  • Contact Albemarle Termite & Pest Control if you have other critters carpenter ants munch on.

We at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control have industrial-grade interior and exterior home pest control treatments that are safe. Commercial insecticides are a waste of money because they aren’t fit for infestations. They will kill individual bugs at best. On top of that, they could be too noxious for humans, pets, and vegetation. Our highly-trained Service Professionals will locate vulnerabilities and address them. Ants won’t last once we’re done. You can choose from one of our comprehensive and affordable plans. If you call today, you’ll receive a no-obligation inspection!