How Do Bed Bug Infestations In Virginia Start?

a bed bug infesttaion on a bed

They say that what we don’t know can’t hurt us, but that logic doesn’t really apply to bed bugs. Unfortunately, the variety of misconceptions surrounding bed bugs often leads to severe infestations that could have been avoided or at least shortened. Once you learn the truth about how bed bugs enter your home though, you might just have a chance to protect your sleep from these night-crawling pests.

Nightmare Nuisances

Bed bugs are about five millimeters around at the most. These tiny pests don’t have very long legs, so they have to move slowly in order to feed. That’s why they usually wait until you’re asleep to crawl out from within your mattress or furniture cushions to feed on your blood as you sleep. That’s why you’re not likely to see the actual bed bugs. Rather, you’re much more likely to notice signs of their activity such as:

  • Red, itchy bumps on your skin
  • Bloodstains on the sheets from feeding
  • Rust-colored rings from excrement

The best way to differentiate these bed bug bites from other insect bites is by recognizing the straight-line or zig-zag patterns that they typically form. While other insects who feed on your blood usually transfer diseases through their feeding tubes, bed bugs have never been linked to disease transmission. However, they can create a variety of health problems over time, from skin damage, due to excessive itching, insomnia, and even anemia.

World-Class World Travelers

Since bed bugs are such a nuisance and a severe danger to your health over time, how do you keep them out? It starts with understanding how they get in. They’re way too small to travel efficiently on your own, so they prefer to hitchhike. While many people think bed bugs only invade dirty homes, they’re actually simple creatures of opportunity. Any object they can latch on to that will take them closer to human blood is their favorite means of transportation.

One of the most common ways that bed bugs can get into your home is by hitching a ride on your luggage. Most travel hubs, like airport terminals and bus stations, are bed bug hotspots, as travelers from around the world could bring bed bugs along with their luggage. If you leave your luggage near others’ for too long, bed bugs could migrate onto your bag. It’s also risky to put your suitcase on your bed in the hotel room as you unpack, as bed bugs might wind up traveling in on your suitcase with you.

Another way many homeowners wind up with bed bugs is through buying secondhand furniture. Keep in mind that bed bugs will infest nearly any piece of furniture, so it’s still risky to purchase couches or office chairs. If you don’t check these items thoroughly for the signs of an infestation, you could be bringing these pests into your house and allowing them to spread to the rest of your furniture or bedding.

What To Do To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Once they’re in your house, don’t make the mistake of trying to get rid of bed bugs on your own. Home remedies like vinegar sprays, vacuuming, and washing the sheets in hot water only kill the pests on the surface. However, most bed bugs burrow deep within the surface of the cushions, only to resurface and attack you when the coast is clear. Instead of repeating the cycle of sleeplessness and putting yourself at further risk of insomnia and anemia, get bed bugs solutions that work the first time. For guaranteed bed bug prevention or eradication, call the professionals at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control. They have expert home pest control treatment plans and preventive services to keep you and your home bed bug free. Call Albemarle Termite & Pest Control today!