What Every Elizabeth City Homeowner Ought To Know About House Mice

house mouse in kitchen cupboard

House mice can spread disease, damage property, and even introduce other pests inside. As such, you need to know some useful mouse prevention techniques, as well as some effective mouse control solutions to prevent your Elizabeth City home from becoming infested.

House Mouse Need-To-Know Basics

House mice are rodents that grow to be about one to three inches long. They are usually dust gray or brown, and they often have cream-colored bellies. House mice have relatively short tails and larger ears that are both covered in a felt-like fur. House mice, being rodents, have large front incisors that grow continuously throughout their lives. As a result, house mice will almost constantly be gnawing on objects to keep their teeth from overgrowing.

Like some other rodents, these mice have a very dependent relationship with us humans, often relying on our food scraps and waste as a source for their food. As such, house mice can be found almost everywhere humans live. Additionally, they will come into our homes if there is easy access to food or water. Given their prolific nature, it’s rarely just one little mouse for long. That’s why even a single spotting should cause alarm.

Threats Posed By A Mouse Infestation

When mice get inside our homes, they pose a variety of different threats. For starters, mice carry all sorts of diseases which they can spread throughout a home. Additionally, mice can contaminate the various surfaces of a home with harmful bacteria and human pathogens through their feces, urine, and saliva. Some diseases that mice have been known to spread include hantavirus, salmonellosis, LCM, plague, tularemia, and rat-bite fever.

In addition to spreading disease themselves, mice can also introduce other disease-spreading parasites into a home. Mice are often carriers of parasites such as fleas, mites, and ticks which all come with their own unique set of problems.

Finally, mice are capable of inflicting all sorts of costly damage to a home as they chew on objects pretty much nonstop. They have been known to chew wiring, pipes, drywall, siding, furniture, clothing, and just about whatever else they can get their mouths around.

House Mouse Prevention Tips

Because of the various threats that house mice pose to a home, you need to utilize some basic mouse prevention techniques to lower your exposure to these dangerous pests. This means removing factors that attract them inside and sealing off any potential entry points. To accomplish this, you should:

  • Store all food in air-tight containers or the fridge. 
  • Take out the trash regularly, and store trash in bins with tight-fitting lids. 
  • Wipe up any spills from floors or countertops immediately.
  • Pick up any uneaten pet food. 
  • Fix any leaky pipes or fixtures 
  • Fill any cracks or holes around the exterior of your home and in your home's foundation.

Effective Mouse Control Solutions

If you do find yourself dealing with a mouse infestation in your home, don’t waste your time and money on DIY control options such as mouse traps which aren’t all that effective when it comes to eliminating entire infestations. Instead, contact the professionals here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control and ask about our many residential pest control and commercial pest control plans. We have over 100 years of experience and offer a variety of plans that ensure your home is mouse-free all year long. Don’t let mice threaten the health and safety of your family. Give us a call today.