What Elizabeth City Property Owners Need To Know About Termite Swarmers

termite swarmers crawling on wood wall

The term “termite swarmers” sounds intimidating. If you know anything about termites, you know they are extremely destructive pests, which makes the thought of them swarming quite terrifying. To set the record straight about what termite swarmers are, here are a few things every Elizabeth City property owner needs to know about these pests.

What Are Termite Swarmers

Many species of termites live around the globe. Here in Elizabeth City, subterranean termites are the most common. These destructive pests build large sprawling colonies underground and dig tunnels to and from gatherable sources of wood nearby. To make sure operations go smoothly, termite queens produce young and assign them jobs. Workers are made to harvest wood, soldiers to protect the colony, and reproductives to aid in --you guessed it-- reproduction. The question is, when do queens produce swarmers. Well, the main job of a swarmer is to leave its colony and find a location to start a new nest. Typically swarmers are produced when colonies grow fully mature and start reaching max capacity.

The good news is that swarmers are not in and of themselves destructive. Although able to chew through wood, the main reason these winged termites exist is to settle into a location and start producing young, which is where the bad news comes in. If your property does not already have a termite infestation, swarmers might start one up themselves, leaving your home and outbuildings at risk of future damage.

Identifying Swarmers

Termite swarmers are larger than workers and have a cream-colored, segmented body. Often mistaken for ants, these winged pests commonly swarm around Elizabeth City properties. Where these pests swarm is a good way to know if your home is at risk of a new infestation or is currently under attack. The best way to tell this is by noting where you are seeing swarmers. If they are predominantly outside, then it is more likely they have come onto your property from an adjacent one nearby. If you find a large number of swarmers indoors, however, there is only one logical place they could have come from, from a preexisting infestation within your walls.

The Destruction Of Termites

When left unchecked, termites destroy homes and do so silently over several years. Without sleeping and staying out of sight, subterranean termites spread moisture and destroy wood. Given enough time, this will result in serious structural problems around a home, including tight-fitting doors/windows, overly squeaky floorboards, bubbling wallpaper/paint, drooping drywall, hollowed-out walls, and other more severe damages.

How To Make Your Home Less Hospitable To Termites 

Hopefully, your home is not already under attack by termites, because if it is, the following prevention tips will not work. To make sure your home doesn’t have a termite infestation, have it inspected by a pest professional. Once you know you are in the clear, try these simple tricks around your property:

  • Remove sources of water build-up.
  • Address problems with your gutters.
  • Fix leaky piping and fixtures.
  • Repair or replace structural wood that is water-damaged.
  • Retreat wood around your home’s exterior.
  • Seal gaps and cracks around the outside of your home using a caulk gun.
  • Make sure your window/door screens are in good order.

To ensure your home stays termite-free year-round, turn to the experts at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control. Let us evaluate your home for termite problems and implement lasting solutions to make sure destructive pests like termites stay away.

Contact us today for more information about our termite control plans and schedule an appointment for your home to get treatment.