Virginia’s Brown Recluse Spider: Are They Dangerous?

Brown Recluse

Anyone residing or living in the Southeast United States knows that spiders are no rarity. One type of spider is worth looking out for, the brown recluse, as this is no ordinary arachnid. Read on to learn more about Virginia’s brown recluse spider: are these spiders dangerous? Or contact us at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control for sound advice on avoiding these types of spiders.

Dangers Associated With The Brown Recluse

Don’t be fooled by their small size. These spiders may seem innocent enough as they are not naturally aggressive and try to avoid humans if possible. Many brown recluse bites occur when engaging in seemingly benign activities such as stepping into a shoe, rolling onto a spider in the bed, cleaning out garage contents, or slipping a hand into a glove. Just one bite can lead to severe pain and worse.

This kind of spider’s venom means business; it can cause necrosis, where living tissue dies. The ring-shaped area around the bite may become inflamed, red, and tender to the touch. More times than not, brown recluse bites heal within three weeks or so, but other times a necrotic ulcer may form, taking much longer to heal.  

Unfortunately, if a brown recluse injects a substantial amount of venom into a victim or the subject is very young, elderly, or particularly frail, there could be even worse symptoms. Dizziness, jaundiced eyes, fever, cramping, rash, chills, and vomiting may occur if loxoscelism develops from the spider bite. Anyone bitten by this type of spider should seek prompt medical attention. 

While these eight-legged pests may not mean to be at odds with humans, their nasty venom brings only pain and risks more pain.

Prevent Brown Recluse From Invading Property

As its name suggests, the brown recluse is the happiest in hiding. However, many times these spiders find comfort in human homes, and that can lead to bites. Taking some preventative measures may keep household members safe by stopping brown recluse spiders from entering the home. 

  • Avert Access: Snoop around the home to look for possible points of entry. Any gaps or crevices that leave even tiny openings should be filled with silicone-based caulk. Pay special attention to areas where pipes lead inside and ensure there is no way for these creepy crawlies to get to the interior.
  • Keep Unfinished Spaces Tidy: Crawl spaces, basements, garages, and attics are known hideouts of the brown recluse. Eliminate cardboard, loose paper, clutter, and moving blankets. Use shelves to keep footwear off the ground and, for extra measure, contain footwear, gloves, and sporting equipment in zipped bags.
  • Practice Firewood Safety: Stow firewood at least 20 feet away from the primary dwelling. Thoroughly check out any wood before bringing it into the residence to prevent hitchhikers.  
  • Send Prey Packing: The brown recluse dines on various insects, moths, and even other spiders. If homeowners keep other pests away, then this arachnid won’t find the environment so hospitable.
  • Shake It Off: Lovers of darkness, these spiders crawl into articles of clothing and footwear. Before dressing, take a minute to give your clothes a vigorous shake. Turn shoes upside down and firmly beat them on a hard surface. 

Banishing The Brown Recluse

Virginia’s brown recluse spider: are they dangerous? There seems to be overwhelming evidence suggesting these pests pose serious risks. Controlling this type of spider is no small task, especially for a homeowner. Reach out to our qualified home pest control associates at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control to get helpful advice or assistance in getting rid of the brown recluse spider.