Virginia’s Carpenter Ants Are A Real Hassle To Get Rid Of

Carpenter Ant

What are carpenter ants, and what problems do they pose to Virginia homeowners? These bugs are no picnic ants and can really cause some trouble. Controlling carpenter ants in Virginia can be a real hassle, so it’s best to call in the professionals. At Albemarle Termite & Pest Control, we have the skills and resources to combat any pests successfully, even carpenter ants.

The Ins And Outs Of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants may be black, red, or brown; they could also exhibit combinations of three shades. Carpenter ants stand out from other ants mainly because of their size as they are noticeably larger. Queen ants of this species have measured as much as one inch in length and do not have wings. While other ants have round heads, carpenter ants have somewhat of a triangular or heart-shaped head.   

Possible Problems

These tiny pests can do a world of damage if not kept in check. Two factors really contribute to the amount of property destruction that can occur: the size of the colony and the time left to wreak havoc. Carpenter ants can be considered wood-destroying organisms, and property owners certainly want to keep their eyes out for them. 
The carpenter ant is attracted to moist or rotting wood; they can become less picky over time, making the dry wood fair game. A forest is their natural habitat where they help recycle decaying trees, but unfortunately, they can become quite comfy in a residence. Ants tunnel their way through wood to make nests and can cause extensive structural and cosmetic damage to homes. 

Food contamination may also be an issue with carpenter ants. If these bugs crawl through a toxic pesticide and then roam through food preparation areas, anyone eating items prepared there may be at risk.  

Preventing Carpenter Ants

Virginia’s carpenter ants are a real hassle to get rid of, so it’s wise to try and sidestep them altogether if at all possible. While it isn’t easy to prevent these pests from setting up shop on a property, it’s much harder to deal with an infestation. Some preventative measures to practice are:

  • Eliminate Stumps: Wet and rotting wood appeals to this kind of ant, and stumps can be quite an invitation. When trees, hedges, or larger shrubs are cut down, grind the stumps into the ground and remove the remnants.
  • Repair Wood: Time is any structure’s enemy, especially those located in high-humidity regions like Hampton Roads. If homeowners can stay on top of house maintenance, making sure trouble areas like soffits, fascia boards, eaves, and door frames are in good repair, carpenter ants may look elsewhere for better accommodations. Don’t forget to keep an eye on areas prone to moisture like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. 
  • Stow Firewood Properly: Firewood can also attract carpenter ants. Keep logs at least 20 feet away from the residence. Use a waterproof cover or tarp to protect the wood from getting and staying wet.
  • Trim Trees Near Home: These destructive ants use limbs, leaves, and twigs that brush against the house to gain entrance. Cutting off these appendages curtails carpenter ant routes into the structure.

Taking Care Of A Carpenter Ant Problem

Hampton Roads homeowners know Virginia’s carpenter ants are a real hassle to get rid of, but the situation must be dealt with to avoid property damage. These pests mean business, so it’s best to call in the pros who mean business as well. Don’t try to tackle this type of pest problem alone; contact our helpful home pest control experts at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control at the first sign of a carpenter ant issue for best results.