Winning The Battle Against Fleas: Effective Control Strategies For Elizabeth City Homes

dog scratching fleas

It’s best not to underestimate the humble flea. These tiny pests can pack quite a punch, especially around your Elizabeth City home. Since flea infestations can range from 20 bugs to more than 300, addressing these pests as early as possible is always a good idea.

In this guide, we’re taking a deep dive into everything you should know about flea control in Elizabeth City. Once we cover the four stages of the flea’s life cycle, we will provide you with more information about their hidden dangers and hazards. Remember: flea prevention goes far beyond just regularly bathing your pets, and we cover the steps in detail at the bottom of this guide.

Looking for immediate flea control in Elizabeth City? We walk through Albemarle Termite & Pest Control’s professional treatment process so you know what to expect.

The Flea Life Cycle: Understanding Their Stages

If you want to understand how to get rid of fleas, you need to understand how they live, breed, and thrive. Thankfully, the flea life cycle isn’t all that complex. We’re breaking it down into a few points below:

  • Egg stage: Adult female fleas lay eggs on suitable hosts, which usually include cats, dogs, livestock, and wildlife animals. It only takes these eggs one to 10 days to hatch, depending on heat and humidity levels.
  • Larvae stage: Flea larvae feed on blood and ‘flea dirt’ (or flea excrement) to continue their development. They spin a cocoon within 5 to 20 days and enter the pupae stage.
  • Pupae stage: A flea pupa is essentially a small, sticky cocoon that’s developing into an adult. They do not emerge from their comfy cocoon until they sense heat or movement – two signs of a viable host.
  • Adult stage: Flea adults feed on their host as soon as possible and waste no time looking for a mate. They can begin laying eggs within 48 hours of their first feed, which only makes the infestation worse.

A worsening flea infestation isn’t just bad for pets – it’s also hazardous for humans. Let’s take a look at the hidden dangers of fleas, as well as what you can do about them.

The Hidden Dangers Of Fleas: Understanding The Hazards

There are two major problems caused by fleas: itchy bites and the spread of disease. Since it takes the former to cause the latter, we’re covering these problems in that order.

There’s a good chance you’re already familiar with flea bites. Not only do they itch intensely when new, but they can also flair up when exposed to hot water. Prolonged flea bites on cats and dogs can even lead to hair loss, insomnia, and anemia.

However, the most serious issue associated with fleas is their ability to spread disease. The CDC recognizes these pests as vectors of murine typhus, which results in headaches, fevers, nausea, and vomiting. Fleas can spread a number of other unwanted issues, including parasites like tapeworms.

There is no easy way to remove flea infestations once they’ve taken over your home. However, there are some ways to control their spread before they gain access to your property.

It starts with the prevention techniques outlined below.

Flea Prevention Goes Beyond Just Your Pets: Tips And Tricks

Most of us know that protecting our pets from fleas can reduce our risks for infestation. However, this is just one piece of a much larger puzzle – it takes quite a bit of effort to protect your home.

We recommend the following flea prevention steps:

  • Work with your veterinarian to establish flea prevention for pets. 
  • Make your yard less attractive to wild animals by removing standing water and cutting back vegetation.
  • Vacuum your rugs, carpets, and upholstered furniture regularly. 
  • Wash your clothing on high heat after engaging with livestock or stray animals.

Remember that the steps above are only flea prevention steps – they’re not flea control steps for established infestations. The best way to mitigate an existing flea problem is to contact the professionals at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control.

Getting Rid Of Fleas: Contact Us For Effective Control

It’s almost impossible to get rid of a flea infestation on your own. However, a professional pest control company can ensure an effective removal process. The team at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control would be honored to assist, serving Elizabeth City locals with years of combined experience.

Ready to get a flea removal service for your Elizabeth City home? Contact Albemarle Termite & Pest Control today. You can give us a call during our business hours or submit an online contact form to learn more.