Is DIY Termite Control Worth The Time And Hassle In Elizabeth City


No one wants to find a termite infestation inside their home. The question is, how much effort would you put in to make sure these destructive insects stay away? We are going to discuss DIY termite control today and find out if it is really worth the time and hassle. Call Albemarle Termite & Pest Control if you are here seeking a professional option for termite pest control in Elizabeth City. We would be happy to service your home and property to keep these destructive insects at bay. For more information about the termites in Elizabeth City and the challenges of DIY control, here are some things to think about today.

The Role Termites Play In Our Ecosystem

Termites are not entirely bad insects. Without these tiny bugs, there would be a lot more organic clutter in the woods. Fallen trees, stumps, leaves, and sticks would sit out for years upon years without anything to turn them into healthy dirt. It is termites that nibble on these things in order to return them to the earth. What you don’t want is these pests trying to turn your home’s structural wood into dirt. The only problem is that termites do not know what they should and shouldn’t eat. They are driven by hunger and a desire to provide for their queen. If you are not prepared you could find yourself dealing with these pests inside your home.

Why Termites Infest And Destroy Wooden Structures

Termites will not eat just any wood. Subterranean termites, the most common type of termite in Elizabeth City, prefer wood that is water-damaged, rotted, or softened in other ways. Infestations typically start around a home as these pests find tasty treats like wet cardboard, newspaper, sticks, leaves, fallen trees, stumps, and untreated lumber. Termites then tunnel up to homes underground and build mud tubes inside cracks or up foundational blocks to gain access to structural wood. If they find wood that is nice and soft, they will nibble their way indoors.

What makes things worse is that termite colonies expand. Once a year during swarming season, termite swarmers leave and make new nests nearby. These new nests might start attacking your home from a new angle. Since these pests do not mind sharing their food, multiple nests can destroy one structure at the same time. 

Why DIY Termite Control Can Do More Harm Than Good 

If you are looking for a way to control different kinds of termites in Elizabeth City, without professional help, you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves. To make things as simple as possible, here is a comprehensive list of termite prevention tips to keep these pests at bay.

  • Identify and seal holes, gaps, and cracks in your home’s exterior foundation and keep your eyes out for mud tubes.
  • Repair damage to windows and doors and make sure things like screens, weatherstripping, and door sweeps are in good working order.
  • Keep unscreened windows and doors closed when you are not using them.
  • Keep up with yard maintenance. This should involve picking up sticks, raking leaves, and mowing your grass.
  • Remove dead trees, stumps, and untreated lumber from your property.
  • Eliminate sources of moisture build-up inside and around your home.
  • Use a dehumidifier indoors to keep humidity to a minimum.
  • Make sure your gutters are in good working order and clean them once a year.
  • Fix damage to pipes and fixtures.

Even with all of these prevention methods, termites might still find a way into your home. The absolute best way to stop an infestation without the hassle is professional treatment. We have many amazing options here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control.

Total Termite Control For Elizabeth City Homeowners

If you are looking for termite control near you, find your answers here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control. We are a friendly, local pest control provider that offers advanced solutions to termites and other common pests. Let us inspect your home and property for any active infestations and recommend a treatment plan to remove and prevent destructive insects like termites. At the very least sign your property up for a yearly wood-destroying insect inspection. This will help us identify problems before pests can cause extensive damage to your home’s wood.

Call now to discuss your options with one of our friendly pest control representatives. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and find a service option that best meets your and your Elizabeth City home’s termite control needs.