How To Prevent Mosquitoes Around Your Elizabeth City Home This Summer


Each year as warm weather rolls around to our area, an array of pests start becoming active again. Unfortunately, some of those pests are more troublesome to deal with than others. Mosquitoes are some of the most common warm-weather pests in our area, and they have a habit of ruining outdoor events by inflicting itchy bites on all of your guests. In this article, we’ll explain why mosquitoes return to Elizabeth City properties each year and what homeowners can do to prevent these pests from causing too many problems.

At Albemarle Termite & Pest Control, we offer several solutions to combat pests of all shapes and sizes, including mosquitoes. We work hard to ensure your pest problems are dealt with so you can enjoy time in your backyard with the family. Don’t wait for mosquitoes to ruin your peace of mind and cover your skin in bites. Instead, turn to our expert team for Elizabeth City pest control services you can rely on. 

Why Mosquitoes Have Returned To Elizabeth City

Mosquitoes are summer pests that typically become active again in late spring once temperatures have risen above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Different types of mosquitoes in Elizabeth City survive through winter in various ways, either by entering a state similar to hibernation or by means of hardy eggs that can withstand colder temperatures and hatch once warmer weather arrives.

Although warm weather brings many wonderful things, mosquitoes are an unfortunate addition to most outdoor spaces as soon as temperatures rise. The best way to minimize mosquito activity around your Elizabeth City home is to put into place effective mosquito control services from Albemarle Termite & Pest Control. We work hard to solve pest problems, so you don’t have to. Give us a call today for more information about our mosquito control options. 

Five Tips To Minimize Mosquitoes Around Your Elizabeth City Property

There’s no true way to make your property 100% mosquito-proof. Even if you treat your property and eliminate all the mosquitoes living there, new mosquitoes can simply fly over from one of your neighbors’ yards. However, mosquito prevention tips are still helpful when it comes to minimizing the number of mosquitoes resting and breeding on your property. 

  1. Keep your gutters maintained properly to prevent water from building up.
  2. Trim thick vegetation away from your property and mow your grass short.
  3. Repair leaky pipes and fixtures around your home.
  4. Reduce areas of still or standing water where mosquitoes can lay their eggs.
  5. Avoid leaving items on your lawn that could collect rainwater, such as children’s toys, flower pots, and tarps.

No matter how many prevention methods you implement, there’s no replacement for the effectiveness of professional mosquito treatments. Say goodbye to these pesky summer insects when you partner with Albemarle Termite & Pest Control for all your pest management needs. 

Why Elizabeth City Homeowners Can't Fight Mosquitoes Alone

Although there are many steps you can take that will make your Elizabeth City property less appealing to mosquitoes, it’s nearly impossible to deal with a mosquito infestation alone. These annoying insects require regular treatments to ensure they stay away from your backyard throughout the warmer season.

However, with the Service Professionals from Albemarle Termite & Pest Control by your side, you don’t have to worry about mosquitoes taking over your lawn and laying their eggs on your property. We keep mosquitoes away by utilizing specific treatments designed to eliminate adult mosquitoes and minimize their ability to reproduce. Reach out to us today for more details about how we get rid of mosquitoes or to schedule your first service visit. 

How The Professionals Handle Mosquito Problems In Elizabeth City

With how quickly mosquitoes reproduce, it’s often challenging to prevent these pests from taking over your property and becoming a nightmare to deal with. That’s why the only way to handle a mosquito infestation is to implement professional mosquito control services from a licensed pest control provider. With over 100 years of combined pest control experience, the professionals here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control have what it takes to control and eliminate pests of all kinds.

We utilize proven treatment methods to significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes causing problems around your Elizabeth City home this year. We’re ready to protect your outdoor living space from these irritating insects throughout the entire season. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the professionals here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control today to find out which pest control plan is right for your Elizabeth City residential property.