Defending Your Pantry: A Comprehensive Guide To Effective Pantry Beetle Control in Elizabeth City

Pantry Beetles

Pantry pest control in Elizabeth City is a line of protection for your home that is all too often ignored or forgotten about, but we’re here to explain why it’s actually very important. 

Specifically, pantry beetles are one pest that really specializes in invading kitchens (and pantries of course) as a way of setting themselves up with a plentiful and reliable food source. And if homeowners decide to ignore the problem, then a plentiful and reliable food source is exactly what these pests will get.  

So what can you do to stop them? How do you even know if you have pantry beetles in the first place? What kinds of problems can they cause, and what are some of the steps you can take to prevent future infestations? 

We’ve got answers to your questions, and they’re all right here. Get ready for a helpful guide to a lesser-known pest that can still cause big problems. 

Types Of Pantry Beetles: Identifying The Culprits

The process of pantry pest identification is an important first step. Since we’re focusing on pantry beetles today, we’re going to walk you through some basic identification guidelines for this type of pest. 

There are different species of pantry beetles, but they are generally similarly sized. Expect pantry beetles to be between 2 and 5 mm in length, just a tiny fraction of an inch. Pantry beetles can also come in a variety of colors, but those colors will always be either black, brown, or red-brown. If you’re seeing beetles with iridescent wings, then you’re probably looking at a Japanese beetle, not a pantry beetle. 

Likewise, if you’re seeing relatively large, round beetles, they’re most likely from a different category of beetle, and they’re also less likely to be found in a pantry in the first place. But size and color aren’t the only clues to go on. Pantry beetles are also more likely to be found in large numbers. If you see just one or two, there’s a very good chance that there are more of them nearby.   

Pantry Beetles And Food Waste: A Costly Consequence

So, what problems do pantry pests actually cause? You really don’t need to worry about pantry beetles outright attacking you or other members of your family. Pantry beetles are really just there for the food, and that’s where the problems lie. 

Pantry beetles get their name, in part, from their preference for dry goods with a long shelf life. While other pests might be attracted to quick-spoiling foods like fruit and vegetables, pantry beetles go for rice, cereal, and grains instead. 

One of the worst feelings is opening a bag of rice to find little insects swimming around inside. In a situation like this, trust your instincts and throw it out. That’s the right choice, but it’s also a problem. 

When pantry beetles infest foods, they lead to food waste, which can lead to additional costs during your grocery shopping, especially if the beetles infest the new foods as well. 

Preventing Pantry Beetle Infestations: Key Steps To Take

Thankfully, you can prevent common pantry pests by taking the following steps: 

  • Instead of using the original packaging, store dry goods in airtight containers. 
  • Remove expired foods as soon as possible. 
  • Clean your pantries on a regular basis. 
  • Always check dry goods thoroughly before bringing them home from the store. 

With these tips, you can discourage pantry beetles from entering your home and eating your food. 

Effective Pantry Beetle Control: Call Us For Total Elimination

So, how do you get rid of pantry pests like pantry beetles for good? The answer is simple: ask for help. 

Pest control professionals from Albemarle Termite & Pest Control can easily manage a pantry beetle infestation with our training and equipment, helping to keep your home safe and your food secure. 

To learn more about our home pest control services in Elizabeth City, contact us by phone or through our website.