A Complete Guide To Subterranean Termites For Virginia Property Owners

a termite crawling on wood

Out of all the termites in Virginia, subterranean termites are the most common. If you own a property in Virginia, you should know that your structure could be vulnerable to this type of termite. No structure with wood is fully safe from termites. To save yourself from costly repairs, find out more about subterranean termites.

What Are Subterranean Termites?

Across the U.S., subterranean termites are common household pests. They build tunnels that look like tubes of mud and then use those tunnels to get to food sources. Like other types of termites, subterranean termites eat cellulose found in wood and other materials.

Although all species of termites can cause damage, subterranean termites will cause the most damage. Equipped with saw-like jaws, subterranean termites can do serious damage to your property, eating through the wood all day, every day. Eventually, they could cause your wood-framed structure to collapse completely, and more often than not, property owners don't realize termites are present until it’s too late. Identifying a subterranean termite is easiest when looking at its behavior.

The other type of common local termite, the dry wood termite, lives in the wood and not in underground nests. If you see something that looks like a termite or a white ant, call a pest control Service Professional. They can identify the pest and decide the best method of eliminating it. 

How You Can Prevent Subterranean Termites

If you don't want to be left with termites in your walls, you can do all of the following: 

Address Moisture Issues

Subterranean termites enjoy moist wood. Therefore, any moisture issues could attract termites into your home. One effective form of pest prevention is to fix leaky faucets and fixtures. Check your yard for puddles and identify where you can fix drainage issues. In some cases, you might need to replace failing gutters or improve drainage.

If there are any areas of your home with particularly high humidity, you should consider how you can fix that. You can use a dehumidifier or install vent fans, but in any case, limiting the humidity will make your wood drier. While this won't guarantee that termites will stay away, it will improve the chances. 

Reduce Soil To Wood Contact

Subterranean termites are aptly named for their nesting behaviors. They live underground, then make their way into your home through the soil. When you have wood coming into contact with soil, you make it easy for termites to get into your structures. One way to accomplish this goal is to put a barrier of concrete underneath the wood. Once again, this won't completely protect your buildings. It will, however, make your structures less appealing.

Remove Wood And Branches 

If you have piles of firewood or branches near your structures, you could be inviting termites. For effective termite prevention, store firewood away from your structures. It might be inconvenient, but doing so may protect your property. Piles of branches and sticks also are attractive to termites, so it's essential to dispose of them quickly.

Know The Signs Of Termites

The longer you wait to remove termites from your home, the more damage they will do. To protect your property from these pests, you should always be on the lookout for signs of termites. Make sure you and others on your property know what to look for. Then, call a pest control professional to have them conduct a more detailed search for termites. 

Rely On An Expert

The best way to protect your property from subterranean termites is with professional assistance. When you work with an expert, you can get complete protection, and we have that complete termite control and protection. Here at Albemarle Termite & Pest Control, we're eager to assist you. Call us today to get started.