How To Keep Your Yard Field Mice-Free In Virginia


Mice are one of the most common rodents in Virginia you will deal with. They are found worldwide, and Virginia is no different. These pests will make their way into your home through even the smallest of holes, causing problems for you and your family.

With a name like “field mouse,” you may think these prevalent pests may not be a problem in your home. While they get their name from the fact they prefer fields and woodland areas, they can still be a problem in your house. Learn more about these rodents, the damage they can do, and the dangers they can pose from the trained rodent experts at Albermarle Termite and Pest Control. 

Fun Facts About Field Mice

Field mice are very similar to the house mouse, with a few exceptions. Instead of the typical grey field, mice are usually reddish-brown with yellow fur on their chest, with pointier ears than house mice. Field mice also prefer to live outside with a diet that consists mainly of seeds and berries. When field mice enter a building, they usually prefer sheds, garages, and other less-used buildings where they can get in and out to forage for food.

Field mice are also prolific breeders. They can begin having babies at a month and a half old, producing up to 16 litters in their 20-month lifespan. Each litter contains four to seven baby mice, meaning an infestation can quickly multiply.

Are Field Mice Dangerous?

You may not consider field mice dangerous in the traditional sense. They don’t attack humans, and they will only bite as a last resort if they feel threatened, choosing to run away if possible. That doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous.

The biggest issues occur when field mice enter your home searching for food, water, or shelter. They have been found to chew through live electrical wires and pipes, rip up insulation, and destroy items stored in your garage. They can also contaminate food, expose you to fleas and ticks, and cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. So, while you aren’t likely to be the victim of a field mouse bite, having them around can still be bad for your home and health.

How To Prevent Field Mice

Field mice are bad news for your yard. They can destroy gardens, contaminate the growing vegetables, dig holes in your backyard, and bring other pests into your backyard. Keeping them out of your yard is also the first step to keeping them out of your home.

Here are some tips to keep field mice out of your yard:

  • Keep your grass cut short.
  • Clean up debris piles in your yard.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from your home.
  • Keep trash stored in secure bins.
  • Don’t store birdseed or pet food outside.
  • Denying field mice food, water, and shelter can keep them away from your yard. They are also highly skilled climbers, so making sure your home is sealed, even above ground level, is important to prevent these pests from getting inside.

Get Professional Help

If you do find yourself with a field mouse problem in your home or yard, get professional help immediately. Mice are excellent at hiding, making it difficult to get to the source of the infestation on your own. They also breed quickly, so while you are wasting time trapping one or two mice a day, their population is growing.

For professional pest control in Virginia, call us today. One of our trained exterminators will get the source of your field mouse problem and help you take steps to keep them out of your yard and out of your home.